Szkolenie, 20-28.05.2015, Pilisszanto, WĘGRY

CORE is a training course on COnflict REsolution that will be held in Pilisszanto (Budapest) from 20-28 of May 2015 (including travel days). It gathers 24 participants and staff from 10 countries (Hungary, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Poland and Greece), with ages between 18 to 30 years old. These participants will be youth workers or staff involved in youth organizations. The focus of the project is equip youth workers with the skills and competencies necessary in solving conflicts, acting as mediators, cooperate in a better way both at local and international level, and for the development of communication and the quality of youth work in general.

With small steps going towards a bigger purpose, and acting locally to change at world level, this project will support the participants in solving and managing conflicts in all kind of situations (personally and professionally) inside NGO’s, local communities and in projects.